Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Real-Time Technology in Healthcare

Today, advancements in information technology and its uses have been highlighted mainly in the business world; however, what many people do not realize is that while IT is extremely useful and prevalent in many business, it is also maiking strides in the world of healthcare. New portable technologies have been being introducted to the world that makes patients' lives mcuh easier and their treatment mush more efficient. These new technologies possess the ability to monitor a patients status, relay that information to the appropriate personnel, store that real-time information into a database, and, most importantly, send a number of alerts to the appropriate people if an emergency were to occur.

This new tecnology and how it can be used is revolutionary to the healthcare industry. One example fro mthe article "Innovative Technologies, Creative Approaches are Changing the Landscape of Healthcare" by John Papandrea cites a prime example of one of these great technologies. He writes, "Today, small, lightweight devices (about the size of a cell phone) allow diabetics to monitor--automatically and remotely--their blood sugar, blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels, among many other measures. This information is then transmitted wirelessly allowing them to be accessed by the patient's healthcare providers or families."

This use of technology in healthcare can prove to be useful for many people and their families. As a patient, the ability to know what your health status is at all times can save a number of visits to the doctor, and a lot of time. It also removes the slight margin for error that paper documentation of certain tests can cause, i.e. false positives/negatives of any sort. Another instance where I feel this technology is groundbreaking is for parents of younger patients. This technology allows parents the security of know the status of their child's health, and the child a little more freedom to do what he or she please with out the time constraints of their condition. Also, in a case of an emergency, the real-time notifications of any abnormal changes in a patient's health can be extremely comforting all around.

While the front-end comforts and lifestyle improvements for patients and their families is a great part of these new technologies, the back-end of these new systems is what can really allow them to flourish. Easy access to real-time health records can make certain consultations to check certain statuses in a patients health completely avoidable, and other required consulations with doctors much more efficient. Also, in the case of an away-from-home emergency, this new technology can save time, which in some cases could be of the essence, by avoiding the need to contact different mediums for a patients information; the technology would allow it to be updated and accessible. Finally, the real-time results and health statuses allow healthcare providers to be provided with the necessary information to make proper and immediate changes to a patients care if that become s necessary.

These new information technologies allow for an easier lifestyle for patients, a better health management system, more communication between doctors and patients, and most importantly, instant responses to any abnormal occurrences.

Papandrea, John. "Innovative Technologies, Creative Approaches Are Changing the Landscape of Healthcare." HealthNewsDigest.com. 21 Feb. 2011. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. http://www.healthnewsdigest.com/news/Guest_Columnist_710/Innovative_ Technologies_Creative_Approaches_are_Changing_the_Landscape_of_Healthcare.shtml.


  1. Information technology could lead to many monumental developments in the medical field. Like Mike said, it is a major convenience for patients such as diabetics. It allows them to be much less restricted by their illness and also lets them gain control of it. When information is immediately transmitted to doctors, it allows them to constantly check on their patients health status. This way if a patient happens to worsen, the doctor will become aware of it instantly and make moves to treat them. In the case of small children, new technologies will help them tremendously. Children will be able to be monitored closely by their parents through the transmission of information, which can potentially allow them to lead the life a child deserves. IT could not only aid in the development of cures for a child, but also potentially preserve their innocence by allowing them to be a kid. Information technology gives doctors easy access to a patients medical history, gives sick children semi-freedom and allows for patients, such as diabetics, to receive immediate treatment and updates through information transmission.

  2. Information Technology continues to improve patient care in today's world. My grandfather is a diabetic and I can imagine how he could control his life much easier with such a technology. His illness would be less of a hinderance on his day-to-day life. I could also see this technology could decrease the margin of error in today's medical field. It could reduce the number of lawsuits against doctors for making a honest mistake by preventing such mistakes in the first place. Also information transmission, as Mike mentioned, gives instant feedback to doctors on their patient's condition to better respond to emergency situations. This technology is a great medical breakthrough and will continue to change the ever important field of healthcare.

  3. As Mike said, most new IT inventions improve the business world, but I think it's great that IT continues to improve the world in other areas. For example, in addition to health care, Alexa's post showed improvements to the school systems with GPS. I think it's vitally important that we continue to find ways to improve healthcare and take advantage of today's growing technology to save lives.
