Monday, January 31, 2011


Here are just a few pointers for how I will be grading your blog submissions. If you have any comments or are unsure of anything, please feel free to email me.

Criteria for Grading Blogs:

1)Focus on the issue (does your blog deal with a well defined topic or is it too unfocused)
2) Evidence (does the blog support its position with adequate data and well thought-through opinions or are you just making conversation with nothing of substance behind your words)
3) Coherence (does the argument hold together and move the discussion forward in a way that someone might be tempted to respond to your blog)
4) Scope (does it deal with all important aspects of the issue, not in an overly detailed way but in a way that convinces someone that you have carefully thought about the issue)
5) Originality (do you have an original point of view)

What you should see from the above is that blogging is not about shooting from the hip. It means that you need to get close to your subject matter in order to understand it better. After all, you are writing a critique of an article, not a summary. You may have to read outside the article that you are blogging about in order to build up your understanding. As a teacher, this is the great thing about blogs. It creates what educators call non-linear learning which means that students read something and then go off in a million different directions to try to figure something out.

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